Flat Structures


Gulpiyuri system is custom manufactured for every sort of installation: row´s length, panel´s size or orienteering.

This system is presented into four options:

  • Gulpiyuri 100. It raises the panels 100 millimeters over the roof and it anchors on all the shed´s straps, installed between the fretwork sheet.
  • Gulpiyuri 50. It raises the panels 50 millimeters allowing the anchor in all the shed´s straps. This makes possible to install the system in the fretwork or in the valley.
  • Gulpiyuri 50 by sections. It raises the panels 50 millimeters and it must be anchored in the fretwork. It allows to install the system in the fretwork or the valley.
  • Gulpiyuri 50 curved. Special for flat systems installed on corrugated iron roofs. The basis of the profile has been designed in a collaboration with Arcelor, the biggest iron and steel industry manufacturer in the world. Designed to adapt to the total of variations of corrugated iron decks existant.

The whole system is manufactured with aluminum extruded in different alloys and all the hardware is supplied with A2 quality stainless steel.

For extreme climates we have the option to manufacture the anodized aluminum in A4 quality hardware.

Thanks to our “double seal” system we guarantee the sealing cover fixing.

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